Get Clear on Your Dream Life and Take Action

Embark on a journey to transform yourĀ work and life.Ā Create a fulfilling life where success and well-being go hand in hand. Gain clarity on your priorities, align your actions with what's important, and enhance well-being while reducing stress.

Ready to get started?

Fill out this form to express your interest in a strategy session with me to determine if this 12 week package is right for you.

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What You'll Experience:

  • Weekly 1:1 coaching sessions with Keely (virtual or in-person)
  • Weekly exercises to help implement your desired actions
  • BONUS: Weekly audio files to take the weekly theme deeper, through guided visualizations, trainings, and extra tips
  • BONUS: 6-month access to the Quest for Work/Life Harmony membership ($247 Value)
  • BONUS: Discount and Priority Access to the annual Work/Life Harmony Retreat and other future programs

Who is this program for?

This program is ideal for professionals, working parents, entrepreneurs, and individuals who are committed to achieving a harmonious and fulfilling life. Whether you're looking to excel in your career, strengthen relationships, or enhance your personal well-being, this package will empower you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Ready to start your quest for Work/Life Harmony?

Apply today to book your free Strategy SessionsĀ and start your journey towards a more harmonious and fulfilling life. Limited spots available.

Apply Now

How does it work?

1. Fill out the form

Express your interest in the 12 Weeks to Work/life Harmony package

2. Submit your application

An application will be sent to your inbox. Fill out the questionnaire to prepare for the Strategy Session.

3. Strategy Session

Join a complimentary strategy session where weā€™ll discuss your goals, the program details, and answer any questions you have.

4. Program Enrollment

If the program is right for you, weā€™ll finalize your enrollment and set up your first coaching session.

Maria S., Communications & Marketing Professional

When you are juggling a busy household, a full time job, and looking after your own personal development, having someone working side by side with you and teaching you critical work-life management skills is a game changer!

I have never seen more clearly what my priorities are and what steps I need to take to achieve my goals. The exercises leading to each session, the materials provided, and the 1:1 time with Keely helped me create a plan that works for me based on my own priorities and personal values to achieve the work-life balance that I am looking for.

I highly recommend Keely as a professional coach. I definitely wouldn't have got here without her support.

Weekly Breakdown

Week 1-4: Establishing Foundations

In the first four sessions, we lay the groundwork for achieving work/life harmony. You'll gain a deep understanding of the concept, set clear intentions, and learn essential strategies for managing your time and establishing healthy boundaries. This phase is all about creating a solid foundation to build upon.

Week 5-8: Building Momentum

The next four sessions focus on gaining momentum by managing your energy, setting inspiring goals, and prioritizing self-care. You'll learn how to maintain high energy levels, create a vision for your future, and develop a self-care routine that nourishes your well-being. This phase is designed to invigorate your journey towards harmony.

Week 9-12: Maintaining Harmony

In the final sessions, we concentrate on maintaining the harmony you've built. You'll optimize your work environment, leverage technology for productivity, and foster continuous personal and professional growth. By reflecting on your progress and planning for the future, you'll be equipped to maintain and enhance your work/life harmony long-term.

Apply Now

Meet Your Coach!

Hi, I'm Keely!Ā I empower busy professionals and working parents to define and achieve work/life harmony, career satisfaction, and life fulfillment, guiding them to create actionable plans aligned with their authentic goals and aspirations on their path to personal excellence.

As a mom of 3 boys under 13 years old, business owner, and previously corporate employee, I understand the stress and burnout related to juggling career and family responsibilities. I love sharing the lessons I've learned and the strategies that helped me reach work/life harmony, career satisfaction, and life fulfillment.

Lisa S.,Ā Technical Learning Team Manager

I highly recommend Keely as a coach. She is very personable and easy to connect with. She hits just the right balance of meeting you where you are while encouraging ongoing, incremental steps towards your goals, whatever they may be. I've found our sessions to be thought-provoking, insightful, and full of support, with no judgment at all. Keely's structured approach has helped me define what is important to me and how to work towards achieving my goals.

Not Ready to Commit to Coaching Yet?

Join Harmony Quest Weekly for tips and strategies sent to your inbox each week! You'll also be the first to know about promotions, discounts, and new programs.

I don't send spam. By subscribing, you agree to receive emails from Keely Kulpa regarding news, upcoming events, promotions, etc. You can unsubscribe at any time. For more details, please review our privacy policy.