10 Tips for Your Quest to Work/Life Harmony harmony quest life fulfillment where to start work/life harmony Jul 16, 2024

If you’ve watched any of my YouTube videos or follow any of my social media, then you likely know my dislike for the term “work/life balance” by now. Instead, I prefer to use the phrase “work/life harmony” with my clients. Where the term “balance”...

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Harmony Quest Step 1: Start Where You Are harmony quest life fulfillment personal experience where to start work/life harmony Jul 03, 2024

I’m excited to share the essential first step in your quest for work/life harmony: understanding your starting point. As busy professionals and working parents, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck, unsure of the next steps. Drawing from my personal journey, I will guide you...

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Guided Visualization: Unlocking your passion from past experiences guided visualizations life fulfillment work/life harmony Jul 01, 2024

Watch the Video on YouTube <


Download the Audio File Here <


--- Summary ---

In this guided visualization session, we will go through a transformative visualization aimed at defining work-life harmony and fulfillment. I introduce the...

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My Personal Experience with a Coach: The Massive Transformation 12-Weeks Had on My Life and My Family coaching overcoming challenge personal experience resilience work/life harmony Jun 30, 2024

For the past 12 weeks, I’ve been working 1:1 with a coach. As a work/life harmony coach myself, I know first-hand the transformation that can come from working with a coach, even though I’ve never committed to it full-time myself. I needed a breakthrough in my life like those...

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The Life I Knew is Gone … The Unexpected Path of a Phoenix being overcoming challenge phoenix energy resilience Jun 28, 2024

I'm sitting here, thinking about life. It feels like my old career, my old path of climbing the corporate ladder to make six figures and become successful in society's eyes, is crumbling in every direction. It feels like that part of my life is just gone. Even my dreams lately have been about...

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Overcoming the Rollercoaster: Insights from a Challenging Week overcoming challenge resilience Jun 26, 2024

Last week, life decided to throw a bit of a curveball at me. Our dog, Sam, has been living with aseptic meningitis since she turned approximately 4 months old. She is now 7 years old. There is always a worry in the back of our minds that eventually her medication might stop working. The vets that...

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Last week, I fired my CEO ... Jun 25, 2024

This topic came up when my coach and I were talking about the concept of influence. One of the areas in my life that I feel like I have been lacking influence has been within my own business. When we dug a little deeper, I uncovered that it wasn’t my lack of influence over potential clients...

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Finding Fulfillment Without Quitting Your Day Job hobbies & side projects life fulfillment May 15, 2024

Have you ever felt stuck in your career, constantly battling a never-ending list of to-dos, without feeling like you're contributing to something meaningful? I’ve been there. I remember the days of feeling unfulfilled, ending the week like I accomplished nothing meaningful. Today, I want to...

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