Harmony Quest Step 1: Start Where You Are

harmony quest life fulfillment personal experience where to start work/life harmony Jul 03, 2024

I’m excited to share the essential first step in your quest for work/life harmony: understanding your starting point. As busy professionals and working parents, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck, unsure of the next steps. Drawing from my personal journey, I will guide you through how to measure your current work/life harmony and overall satisfaction.

I’m Keely, a work/life harmony coach and mom of three. I empower busy professionals and working parents to discover what work/life harmony and fulfillment mean to them and guide them to discover the path to their dream life. Discovering work/life harmony and the strategies that I like to share with my community was a game changer in my life. They brought me calm in my hectic days, helped me discover the career of my dreams, and ultimately led to me living my dream lifestyle today. If any of this sounds like something you’d like to do, make sure you subscribe and follow me so that you are notified of future content I create on this topic to help you do exactly that.

Do you feel stuck in a job that is unfulfilling and frequently ask yourself how you can find a more meaningful role? Or perhaps you feel like you are constantly battling between not having enough bandwidth at work but also not spending enough time on personal goals or with family?

These challenges are common among busy professionals and working parents. Balancing a demanding career with personal life can feel like a never-ending juggling act. However, the first step towards finding harmony is to get clear on your starting point.

Tip #1: Reflect on Your Current Career and Personal Satisfaction

Take some time today in a distraction-free space to reflect on your life. What aspects bring you joy and excitement? Which aspects make you feel drained or frustrated? Write these out in a journal or notebook.

Tip #2: Consider Your Core Values

Frustration and stress can be a result of not living in alignment with our true selves. This includes not having our core values met – especially if they are being threatened! If you don’t know your core values, reflect on what’s important to you. Do you find connection important? Or perhaps you feel stuck when you aren’t growing and learning.

Tip #3: Complete an Assessment

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get a clear idea of your starting point is to complete an assessment. I have included a link to my Work/Life Areas Assessment workbook if you’d like to try it!

Tip #4: Review Your Schedule

Review your schedule over the past weeks and/or months. Identify the activities that take up most of your time. Do they contribute positively to your work/life harmony? How do these activities align with your core values? What activities have you done in the past few weeks that were exciting, fun, or made you smile?


Understanding where you are right now is the first step towards creating the life you truly desire. Take the time to reflect, assess, and define your starting point. Join me in this journey towards work/life harmony.



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