10 Tips for Your Quest to Work/Life Harmony harmony quest life fulfillment where to start work/life harmony Jul 16, 2024

If you’ve watched any of my YouTube videos or follow any of my social media, then you likely know my dislike for the term “work/life balance” by now. Instead, I prefer to use the phrase “work/life harmony” with my clients. Where the term “balance”...

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Harmony Quest Step 1: Start Where You Are harmony quest life fulfillment personal experience where to start work/life harmony Jul 03, 2024

I’m excited to share the essential first step in your quest for work/life harmony: understanding your starting point. As busy professionals and working parents, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck, unsure of the next steps. Drawing from my personal journey, I will guide you...

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Guided Visualization: Unlocking your passion from past experiences guided visualizations life fulfillment work/life harmony Jul 01, 2024

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--- Summary ---

In this guided visualization session, we will go through a transformative visualization aimed at defining work-life harmony and fulfillment. I introduce the...

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Finding Fulfillment Without Quitting Your Day Job hobbies & side projects life fulfillment May 15, 2024

Have you ever felt stuck in your career, constantly battling a never-ending list of to-dos, without feeling like you're contributing to something meaningful? I’ve been there. I remember the days of feeling unfulfilled, ending the week like I accomplished nothing meaningful. Today, I want to...

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