Finding Fulfillment Without Quitting Your Day Job

hobbies & side projects life fulfillment May 15, 2024

Have you ever felt stuck in your career, constantly battling a never-ending list of to-dos, without feeling like you're contributing to something meaningful? I’ve been there. I remember the days of feeling unfulfilled, ending the week like I accomplished nothing meaningful. Today, I want to share something that helped me overcome that feeling and find passion and fulfillment in life, all which can be done without quitting your day job.

Back in 2017, after having my third son and preparing to return to work from maternity leave, I felt stuck. I was constantly busy but never achieving anything significant. I needed my paycheck and couldn't quit my job to find my passion or purpose in life. So, I started looking for ways to incorporate satisfaction and fulfillment into my life without quitting my job. Here are the strategies and tips that helped me.

1. Start Small

Don’t overcomplicate things! By starting small, I was able to try more than just one thing. It also allowed me to not make a big commitment to something that I wasn’t sure would make a difference. The goal at the start is to find something that will fit into your current schedule, which may be daunting when you already feel overbooked. That’s why I started with something that was only 30 to 60 minutes a week. If it was a class, I only signed up for classes that required 6 to 8 weeks commitment.

2. Consider Interests and Local Options

I began by considering my general interests—things that made me pause and wish I had time for. For me, this started with career-focused activities like leadership development seminars. Surprisingly, this didn’t just move my career forward; it eventually led me to leave my corporate role and start my own business. But it wasn’t all about career advancement. I also tried activities that were being offered locally that piqued my interest:

  • Language Classes: I joined a weekly Spanish class, which was manageable with a bit of homework in between.
  • Art Classes: I took an art class where we tried different mediums each week—acrylic painting, sketching, pencil crayons. This introduced me to various forms of art and helped me discover what I enjoyed.
  • Community Involvement: Since we had just moved to a new city, I joined a local newcomers’ club to meet people and build connections.

These activities brought excitement back into my life, helped me meet new people, and made me feel more connected and fulfilled.

 3. Rediscover Forgotten Passions

One significant exercise that helped me was reviewing my past experiences. A visualization exercise helped me rediscover my passion for writing. It reminded me of a childhood dream of becoming a published author, which I had forgotten. This led me to start a writing practice, which is now a significant part of my life and career. If you’d like to try this visualization exercise for yourself, you can find it on my YouTube channel here.

4. Find the Right Hobbies and Projects

To find what hobbies or side projects would be fulfilling, I recommend:

  1. Trying New Things: Experiment with different activities. Like my art class, which explored various mediums, trying new things helps you discover what truly excites you.
  2. Visualization Exercises: Use different visualization techniques to explore your interests and values. Whether it’s imagining your future or reflecting on past experiences, these exercises can provide clarity.
  3. Considering Personal Values: Identify your core values. For example, adventure and connection are important to me. I started going on family adventures to fulfill these values, which enriched both our family time together and my personal satisfaction.

5. Making Time for Fulfillment

Adding new activities into an already busy schedule can be challenging, but it’s crucial for achieving work-life harmony. Remember these tips when you want to add an activity you think will help:

  • Start Small: Dedicate just 10 minutes to an hour each week to a new hobby or project.
  • Set Aside Time for One New Thing Weekly: Regularly try something new to keep life exciting. Remember, novelty is an important piece of satisfaction.
  • Self-Care: Incorporate self-care routines that rejuvenate you.
  • Review and Reflect: Regularly assess what activities bring you joy and adjust your schedule accordingly.
  • Schedule and Commit: Put your new activities on your calendar and, if possible, pay for them in advance to ensure commitment.

6. Embrace the Journey

Remember, this journey is about progress, not perfection. Celebrate small milestones and enjoy the process. Whether an activity turns out to be a long-term passion or just a learning experience, it’s still valuable. Share these experiences with others—whether it’s family, friends, or an accountability buddy—to stay motivated and connected. This also helps add to the fulfillment as it builds your relationships.

Watch the Video Here

Finding work-life harmony and fulfillment doesn’t have to mean quitting your day job. By incorporating hobbies and side projects, trying new things, and reflecting on what brings you joy, you can create a more satisfying and fulfilling life. I hope you’ve found some ideas to start your quest for work-life harmony.

If something resonated with you, let me know in the comments. Please also share this article with your network! You never know who you might help by spreading tips and tricks for work/life harmony.

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