Ignite Your Inner Trailblazer

6-Week Cohort Coaching Program

Leave the burnout, hamster wheel, and feeling of being stuck or directionless in 2024. This 6-week cohort style program is designed to help you ignite your inner trailblazer to create the life of your dreams, on your terms.

Each week, we will meet as a group to review progress and next steps through a group coaching session. These will also give you a chance to ask questions and share with the group. At the end of the 6 weeks, you will have:

  • 6 weekly group coaching sessions with Work/Life Harmony coach, Keely Kulpa
  • an action plan to start 2025 off in harmony
  • clear goals and aspirations to create your dream lifestyle
  • strategies for creating healthy boundaries and managing stress
  • improved self-leadership skills, productivity, and decision making
  • BONUS: 3-month access to Quest for Work/Life Harmony community membership ($150+ value!)


Price: $597 + tax

 If enough people from Regina register, we can do a hybrid in-person and virtual meeting each week.

Limited Spots Available! Register now!

Fill out this registration form. Payment details will be sent to your inbox following your confirming registration. Payment is required to save your seat.

I don't send spam and I don't share your information. By registering, you give permission to get emails from Keely Kulpa about upcoming events, products, and services. You can unsubscribe at any time. See our Privacy Policy for more information.

What You'll Get

  • Connect passions with purpose in personal and professional life.
  • Rediscover your authentic self and inner wisdom.
  • Develop a roadmap for living with purpose and harmony that is aligned with you.
  • Gain clarity on future aspirations and develop a vision on how to achieve it.
  • Cultivate creativity, mindfulness, and action-oriented mindset.
  • Receive personalized support and guidance throughout the journey.
  • Access to materials and resources.

Who is this best suited for?

  • Individuals seeking clarity on their life purpose and passions.
  • Working parents interested in rediscovering their own identity and passions.
  • Professionals looking to align their work with their values and aspirations.
  • Those desiring to embrace creativity, intuition, and inner wisdom.
  • Anyone feeling stuck or seeking a meaningful change in their lives.
  • Those interested in mindfulness, personal growth, and self-discovery.
Register Today!

Virtual Group Sessions

We will connect via Zoom once per week at 7:30pm SK time (6:30 pm PDT; 9:30 pm EDT). *Note, time shift on Nov 3*

Session 1: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - Welcome! 

Session 2: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Session 3: Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Session 4: Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Session 5: Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Session 6: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - 7:30 pm SK (5:30 pm PST; 8:30 pm EST)


Instructions will be sent via email to all registrants.

Registration deadline is September 28, 2024.

Price: $597 + tax


* If a large enough group forms in Regina, we may conduct meetings in a hybrid setting to allow an in-person option

Register Today!

Ignite Your Inner Trailblazer









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I don't send spam and I don't share your information. By registering, you give permission to get emails from Keely Kulpa about upcoming events, products, and services. You can unsubscribe at any time. See our Privacy Policy for more information.